The Yellow Belt Certification is a 35-hour course, over 5 consecutive days (for day program) or 2 nights per week over 5 weeks (for evening program). The Yellow Belt training provides insight into the techniques of LSS, its metrics, and basic improvement methodologies as well as how to apply these on a day-to-day basis to ongoing operations. This course is ideal for those who seek knowledge of Lean Six Sigma concepts and principles and who wish to begin to apply it to their daily business activities. Upon completion, Yellow Belt candidates are knowledgeable in Lean Six Sigma, but do not lead projects on their own.
With this level of certification, individuals are able to gather data, participate in problem-solving exercises and add their personal experiences to the exploration process. Certified Yellow Belts will also gain the skills to identify, monitor, and control non-value added practices in their own processes as well as provide this information to Green and Black Belts who may be working on larger projects. In addition, they will have the ability to recognize process improvement opportunities for escalation to Green or Black Belts. |